Angela Awuah - Mental Health The Arts

Angela Awuah - Mental Health The Arts

Angela Awuah is a social entrepreneur who's interest in mental health started from caring for a family member with paranoid schizophrenia. She founded Mental Health The Arts in 2016 as a way of supporting other young people who may be facing similar challenges. Her desire to ensure that young people are well equipped to take care of their mental health. She recently won The Deutsche Bank Awards for Creative Entrepreneurs.

Mental Health The Arts is an early intervention creative arts academy for young people between the ages of 13-25 years old with direct and indirect experience of mental health. We seek to educate, equip and empower young people to cultivate create coping mechanisms. We do this through Storytelling, Events, Workshops and Programmes.


Session: Entrepreneurial Minds Workout

This workshop seeks to explore the minds of entrepreneurs giving them the key ways of maintaining a healthy mindset whilst running a successful business. Exploring the hills and the valleys and how to overcome them.

The difference we make




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