







InfoTik started during my time as a university student, when I found myself constantly addicted to social media, wasting hours on mindless scrolling with little to no value gained. It felt like a daily habit that was not only draining my time but also impacting my focus and productivity. That’s when I began to wonder—what if there was a way to make scrolling more useful? 

While looking into alternatives, I learned about the Chinese version of TikTok, which focuses heavily on educational content, pushing users to learn something new rather than just mindlessly consume entertainment. This sparked an idea: Why couldn’t we have a similar platform that turns every scroll into an opportunity to learn? 

I wanted to create an app that combined the engaging, bite-sized nature of social media videos with real educational value. From there, InfoTik was born an app that not only entertains but also helps people grow their knowledge with fact-checked, credible content linked to trusted sources.




The problem we're solving is the overwhelming amount of time people waste on mindless social media scrolling, which offers little value in return. Traditional platforms are flooded with entertainment content that does not encourage learning or personal growth, contributing to wasted hours, mental fatigue, and even negative impacts on mental health. 

With the rise of "doomscrolling," users often feel stuck in a loop of meaningless videos. Our goal is to transform this time into a productive experience by providing a platform where every video is educational, insightful, and linked to credible sources for deeper learning. This shift from mindless scrolling to mindful engagement will help users reclaim their time and enhance their knowledge.




Our solution is InfoTik, a platform designed to turn mindless scrolling into meaningful learning. Unlike traditional social media, where entertainment and misinformation often dominate, InfoTik offers short, informative videos across various topics. Each video is fact-checked and linked to credible external sources, including news articles, allowing users to verify information and dive deeper into subjects that interest them.

By prioritizing reliable content, we help users engage with knowledge instead of wasting time on trivial or misleading content. InfoTik makes online time more productive, offering a space where users can learn and grow while avoiding the negative effects of social media addiction. Our app reshapes how people engage with their devices by putting knowledge and credibility first.




Always keep pushing, as long as you believe in your idea you'll succeed.



ALMUNI : University of Nottingham





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