Janine Green - JG Coaching
Janine is Life Coach who helps people take control of their lives and manage their wellbeing. She practices, 'Psychodynamic' Coaching , which allows her to work alongside clients to get to the bottom of what's really going on. She takes time to work through not only intentions, but anxieties and blockages. Janine is also a qualified Mental Health First Aider, as well being a certified Mental Toughness practitioner.
Janine works on a 1:1 basis with clients, and also runs Group Coaching and Workshop sessions. Common themes of work are:
• An erosion of confidence and sense of self.
• Doing work that makes you feel valued.
• Dealing with stress and uncertainty.
Session: Tools for Wellbeing
Now more than ever, we need to ensure that we are able to understand ourselves and keep our wellbeing in check. In this session we will look at some techniques and thought processes that allow us to take more control of our wellbeing, in those times when we might be feeling stressed, uncertain or just like things are a little bit out of control.