Kallum with a K Russell - UNpreneur

Kallum with a K Russell - UNpreneur

Kallum with a K is a leader in Student Enterprise. He is the Founder & Chief UNpreneurship Officer of UNpreneur - business courses, training and mentoring for students & graduates serious about making an impact. He brings nearly a decade of experience of working with startups. He is a passionate advocate for student and graduate businesses. Kallum is a multi-award winning businesses owner and was included in the prestigious Sunday Times Maserati 100 List, which recognises innovators in the business world. He is also the host of a weekly YouTube show: Student Enterprise TV.


UNpreneur - business courses, training and mentoring for students & graduates serious about making an impact. We'll show you how to thrive in your career, right here and now! No bull. No jargon. No egos. Our team has created and managed multiple Business Incubators, and the businesses we have worked with have generated over £2 million in revenue collectively in the last 2 years. Ultimately, we help students & graduates start and grow businesses, and make an impact in a job by thinking UNpreneurially! UNpreneur - Build Your Own Future!" 


Session: The UNpreneurial Mindset

"85% of the jobs that today's learners will be doing in 2030 haven't been invented yet!" – Institute for the Future and Dell Technologies Report 2017.


Your mindset is everything. Whether you decide to launch your own business, or make an impact in a job, thinking UNpreneurially will be critical to your success. "Enterprise", "Entrepreneurship" and "Innovation" are vital skills for the 21st Century. This is true whether you launch your own startup, or work for an organisation in the Private, Public or Voluntary sector.

Employers are increasingly looking for an "UNpreneurial" mindset:

1. Seeing "opportunities", rather than "challenges"

2. Thinking about things differently

3. Communication, and many other soft skills

However, we understand it can be very overwhelming deciding what you want to do in the future. And everyone has a opinion on it, including your granny's cat. Plus, you can Google almost everything. But how do you know what information is right for you…? One article says do this, another says to do the opposite. It’s very confusing!

We’ll cut through the BS, drop a lotta truth bombs and tell you what you really need to know to launch and grow a successful business, or make an impact in a job, right here and now. We are UNpreneur. And since 2013, we’ve helped lots of student and graduates start and grow businesses or adopt an UNpreneurial mindset. Whatever you decide to do, we will help you Build Your Own Future!




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